Begin Again

We’ve all been inspired to begin something new. Many of us have experienced this energy multiple times. However, many of us have failed to follow through. We very rarely ask why, but instead, avoid or move on to the next thing. That next thing is often falling back into our comfort zones. And there’s nothing ultimately wrong with that. Comfort is safe. However, if you desire to grow you need to become uncomfortable.

Limiting beliefs are these thoughts that we have in our minds that tell us we’re not good enough. It is that inner monologue that we are all guilty of. It criticizes us for not doing what we said we would do, tells us that we’re worthless or meaningless and that the mistakes we’ve made were a reflection of our character. These limiting beliefs reinforce the concept of fear. This concept may have been ingrained in us as children. Or, it is fed by our ego, which is only here to keep us safe and alive. Ultimately, it keeps us afraid of trying new things. Especially if we’ve been in this pattern for years, it’s hard to release.

Now, go back to when you wanted to try something new and you failed to follow through. We feel pretty defeated, huh? Cue, comfort zone. Then we become unhappy with our comfort zone and think the next thing will solve it. The problem with this is that we become “happiness chasers.” This in itself is another limiting belief we end up holding onto. It doesn’t allow us to be happy where we’re currently at.

I’m guilty. Did I consciously choose where I am today? I don’t think that I can answer “yes” to that in its entirety. Can you? I know that what I can do is answer “yes” from today on.

Maya Angelou once said “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

I’m beginning again.

After the past year of diving deep into personal self-development, I’m doing something that I’ve thought about doing but never committed myself to due to limiting beliefs.

Starting my own business.

The fear of what others will think of me is telling my body to retreat back to safety. But, here’s the amazing thing. This past year has taught me that other people’s opinions of me are NONE OF MY BUSINESS. My self-worth does not resonate with people’s projections of their lack of.

All of these things have come from a place of self-love. Something that I realized that I had been missing all these years. But I’ve been diving down into the depths of my soul and bringing light to the shadows. It has been a lot of work, but very liberating. I learned about my own limiting beliefs and have brought light to them. They haven’t served me up to this point, so I set them free. At this time in my life, I am happier than I’ve ever been. EVER.

If that sounds like something you could never do, then you probably need to invest in some self-love. If you don’t love yourself, how can you start?

In our society, it is “selfish” to love yourself. You’re just going to end up living alone for the rest of your life, and then you’ll die. No thank you. That is your opinion and fear, not mine. I’m committed to showing up for myself before I can show up for anyone else.

Begin self-love today. You’re actually going to love yourself so fiercely that you’ll attract a tribe to your life that reflects that. Don’t let the fear of others hold you back.

Try some of these simple things to get started:

  • Drink lemon water first thing in the morning and stay hydrated throughout the day
  • Take a yoga class at a new studio, or try a new style of yoga at your current studio
  • Start writing your thoughts down on paper
  • Read a good book
  • Take up meditation; sit in your space and feel it
  • Listen and dance to the music that fuels your soul
  • Go outside and connect with nature

If you can’t do any of those things today, just stop what you’re doing right now, place one hand on your belly and the other hand on your heart.

Take three deep breaths, in through your nose for a count of four, and out through your nose for a count of four, breathing into your belly. Feel your belly fill with air, and release that which does not serve you.

Then Begin Again.

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