#ToxicThursday – Conventional Air Fresheners

Let’s chat about the toxicants of conventional air fresheners and synthetic fragrances (aerosols, sprays, plug-in deodorizers, gels, and even scented candles). We use them to mask unpleasant odors. Unfortunately, these are doing more harm than good for our overall health and well-being.

Any type of artificial air fresheners and fragrances pose long-term health risks with repeated exposure. These products actually increase indoor air pollution!

Air fresheners, especially aerosols and plug-in liquids release what are called volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air, which is a type of chemical that turns into a gas at room temperature. Air fresheners also contain phthalates which are chemicals added to sustain the fragrance in a product. Other toxins present in air fresheners and synthetic fragrances can include phenol, ethanol, benzene, pesticides, and formaldehyde! These toxins cause respiratory, endocrine, and reproductive disruption, among other long-term health concerns.

When toxins enter our body through the lungs, they go directly to our bloodstream (and quickly!). Our body is not capable of detoxing the thousands of toxins in the environment, so these toxins are stored in our fat cells (adipose tissue), and over time, these toxins build up in the body! Think about how difficult it may be to lose weight as we age, or mystery symptoms that pop up and we chalk it up to “getting older” and that it’s just the way things are going to be. We’re actually retaining toxins that we have been exposed to, and one day our bodies are going to no longer be able to handle the toxic load.

Exposure to these chemicals is especially toxic for children! If you are using synthetic fragrances and air fresheners with (or without) children, I highly suggest you go to the Environmental Working Group’s website (ewg.org) and search for the products you are currently using in your home. According to the EWG, 88 air freshening products scored an “F” and they are all very common products seen in homes.

In the short-term, exposure to these chemical carcinogens can cause headaches, nausea, rashes, dizziness, migraines, asthma, mental fatigue, brain fog, and coughing. Long-term effects can lead to cancers, hormone disruption, blood, liver and kidney issues and other dis-eases of the body.

There are natural alternatives, such as high-grade essential oils from @DoTerra that you can diffuse in your home. Next #toxicthursday I will also be talking about the toxins lurking in your cleaning products!

If you need suggestions and tips on healthy alternatives to air fresheners or would like to consult about how to detoxify your body, contact me!